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Why is feeding raw food better than dry food?

Raw food diets for pets are becoming increasingly popular. Many pet owners prefer to feed their animals a raw diet since it is more natural and less processed than most commercial pet foods.

Some feed their pets a raw food diet because it makes logical that if they and their family eat a healthy balanced diet, they should feed their pets the same manner. Others simply give their pets raw meat because they enjoy it.

There are several health benefits to giving raw food to pets, including: 

  • Less body odour
  • Shiner coats
  • Healthier skin
  • Cleaner teeth
  • High energy level
  • Smaller stool
  • Reduce allergies
  • Healthy immune system

What is the best way to start raw dog food?

For dogs starting raw, we advise doing ”cold turkey.” method  Fasting your dog for 12-24 hours and then giving them their first raw meal is the best way to do this. If you have an elderly pet or one who has had digestive issues in the past, try adding a probiotic to their meals before transitioning to raw and during the first few weeks on raw. This helps to sustain the gut’s natural microbiota, which aids digestion and nutritional absorption.

Other options include a gradual transition strategy, which involves gradually switching your dog over the course of seven days. Depending on your dog’s age, weight, and level of activity, the adjustment could take anywhere from three days to two weeks. Start by dividing each meal into two portions for two days: 75 percent original diet, 25 percent raw. Keeps each feeding separate because the two ingredients are metabolized and absorbed at distinct rates and should never be blended.

Reduce the amount of dry food and gradually increase the amount of raw food until your pet’s diet comprises entirely of raw food after a few days.

Note: If you observe loose stools early in the procedure, reduce the amount of raw food you’re feeding and gradually increase it. The end outcome should be a small, firm stool consistency due to improved nutrient absorption.

Not all dogs will require the entire seven-day period not all dogs will require the entire seven days. You can completely transition them to raw food once they have a nice firm poop. Follow the seven-day weaning chart below to help you transition your pets.

  • Day 1 & 2– 25% Raw, 75% Original Diet
  • Days 3 and 4 – 50% raw, 50% original diet
  • Days 5 and 6 – 75% raw, 25% original diet
  • Day 7 and beyond – 100 percent raw

Is it OK to cook or microwave raw food?

Raw dog food is carefully chosen, processed, and stored in such a way that feeding it raw to dogs is not only completely safe, but also provides optimal nutrition in an easily digestible and appealing form.

Cooking any food alters the  nutritional levels and the properties of the food (including texture and flavour) on a cellular level, which is exactly what we want when we prepare meals that were designed to be heated. Cooking raw dog food may cause a variety of problems for your dog.

When it comes to raw dog food, the heating and cooking process results in the loss of important nutrients that your dog requires to thrive. It is intended to be fed raw, whether you carefully prepare your own raw dog food at home or select a ready-to-serve food that can be frozen for later use. Cooking it depletes vital nutrients that your dog needs to stay strong and healthy.

Cooked bones could be hazardous. Almost all dog owners are aware that feeding cooked bones to their dogs can be dangerous because the heating process changes the bone structure, draining nutrients from the bone marrow and making the bone brittle. This effect is amplified when Cooking meat with small, thin bones, such as chicken, can cause them to break and splinter, endangering your dog. Cooking, on the other hand, has a greater impact on larger bones. Even if a bone is completely safe and healthy for a dog when raw, it can pose a significant health risk when cooked.

What should I expect during the transition period?

If your dog has been on a processed diet, they may experience a mild detoxification period when first transitioning to a natural raw diet.

This will take place through their bowels and skin. Your dog may experience the following symptoms: 

  • Runny eyes
  • Dry skin
  • Excess shedding
  • Mucus coating your dog’s poop
  • Skin conditions may briefly worsen 

When switching to a raw diet, all of these symptoms are completely normal.

While some pet owners may be concerned, this is actually a good thing.

Many people refer to this as becoming “unsick.” Toxins accumulated from eating a processed diet will be eliminated by your dog. These symptoms should go away once new healthy cells replace the old unhealthy ones!

How do I defrost, store and handle raw dog food?

Keep raw food for your pet in the freezer until it’s time to thaw. Refreezing raw meat should be avoided because it can allow harmful bacteria to grow!

Thaw frozen pet food in the refrigerator or in cool water. It will take a little more time and planning to thaw your pet’s food in the fridge, but it is the safest way to thaw raw meat. If you need to thaw your pet’s meals faster, submerge the pouch or container partially in cold tap water and change the water every 30 minutes or so. Thawed raw pet food should be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

Raw pet food should be served in stainless steel, glass, or ceramic bowls.

They are very simple to clean and disinfect after use.

After handling raw pet food, always wash surfaces, utensils, and hands with warm soapy water.

Take note of the best before dates! These are in place to ensure that your pet’s food is fresh, nutritious, and safe. Allow your pet to eat Raw Meaty Bones outside or on easily cleanable surfaces.

Don’t forget about the water! It is critical to change your pet’s water and clean the bowl on a daily basis. This can help keep bacteria at bay in their water bowls. Remember to store, prepare and clean up in the same manner you would when handling raw meat for yourself.

To learn more, visit our blog article: Pet Food Safety: Best Practices for Handling Raw Ingredients

What is a balanced raw diet?

A raw diet usually includes organ meats, muscle meat, whole or ground bone, raw eggs, dog-safe fresh fruits and vegetables, and probiotics.

You can also add supplements to complement a raw diet.

Can I mix raw food with dry food?

We understand that this is a contentious issue for many people, as kibble and raw digest differently.

As a result, many people recommend avoiding feeding both at the same time and separating the meals.

But yes, you can feed both but it not recommended for your pets health 

How much is the feeding recommendation?

When determining how much your dog should eat, you must consider several factors.

The appropriate meal size is determined by factors such as:

  • Type of food
  • Number of meals
  • Body weight
  • Age
  • Amount of exercise

We recommend feeding your dog 2% of his or her ideal body weight per day.

Simply divide the total by the number of meals you feed per day. (For example, 50 pound dog x 2% = 1.) This means your pet needs 1 pound of food per day. Divided into two meals = half pound per serving.) 

Can raw meat cure my pet’s allergies?

To some extent, yes.

Colorants, preservatives, flavorings, and non-meat ingredients frequently cause allergic reactions in pets (such as starch and gluten).

A raw diet provides nutrition in the form that dogs’ bodies were designed to absorb. With anti-inflammatory properties, it will improve your dog’s overall health and relieve allergy symptoms. The stronger your dog’s immune system, the better chance he has of fighting allergies without medication.

What age is it safe to start puppies on raw?

As soon as you get your puppy, that is!

In fact, many dogs are switched directly from mother’s milk to raw food, with no kibble in between. The sooner you can start your puppy on raw food, the better, but if your puppy has been sick or you’d like to delay feeding raw for a little while longer, you can. A raw diet can begin at any age. Many dogs do not transition until they are fully grown adults, which is much later in their lives.

It is preferable to begin feeding your puppy a raw diet as soon as possible. Waiting until adulthood simply means that your puppy will miss out on the benefits of a raw diet while she is young and could have benefited the most. Puppies as young as 5 weeks old can start eating soft raw food.